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Graduate Institute

PhD Dissertation Grant

Are you almost on the home stretch with your PhD project? But in order to be able to concentrate on writing during the last few months, you need financial independence? That's why the Graduate Institute of the H-BRS has been awarding three-month writing scholarships.

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Prerequisite for the approval of a PhD dissertation grant
(all the conditions set out below must be met)

  • The research project for which the grant is requested must be carried out at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
  • Academic and scientific supervision by a professor at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
  • Proof that the scientific work, particularly the experiments and investigations, will be completed before the doctoral candidate begins receiving the grant so that he/she will only have to write his/her dissertation. In the case of cumulative doctoral projects, an explanation must be provided as to whether a dissertation is to be prepared and what outlay this will require.
  • Funding for the dissertation grant must be provided by one of the H-BRS organisational units

A grant of EUR 1,200.00 will be paid each month for up to three months.The grant will be approved once only for a period of three months provided sufficient financial resources are available. The number of grants available will depend on the funds available at the time the decision is made.

When submitting the application, the doctoral student must provide transparent, convincing proof that the most important scientific activities, investigations, experiments and developmental projects will be successfully completed before he/she begins receiving the grant and that a concept for the compilation of the monograph/dissertation has been developed.

The application documents include:

  • Cover letter, which also outlines the motivation for the application.
  • Structure of the dissertation thesis, combined with a detailed work plan for the funding period
  • Summary of the scientific results achieved to date (max. 2 pages)
  • Own list of publications
  • List of lectures and participation in scientific conferences in connection with the doctoral project
  • Recommendation and confirmation from the supervisor that the scientific work on the doctoral project has basically been completed at the time of application and that all requirements for admission to the doctoral procedure have been met.
  • In addition, the supervisor is expected to provide a detailed monitoring concept in which it is explained how the writing process will be monitored and supervised.
  • In the case of further employment subject to social insurance contributions of up to 20 hours, a statement by the supervisor on the content-related connection of this activity to the doctoral project must be submitted, which must also clearly show that sufficient time is available for the preparation of the dissertation thesis.

The form to apply for a PhD dissertation grant is provided in the LEA course H-BRS Graduate Instiute.

Please mail your application for a PhD Dissertation Grant to:
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Graduate Institute