Graduate Institute
Institute Council GI
Prof. Dr Rainer Herpers
Scientific Director of the Graduate Institute, Professor for Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Applications , Director of the Institute for Visual Computing, Director of the Department of Informatics and Data Science at PK NRW
Sankt Augustin
Room: F 427
Telephone: +49 2241 865 217
Sankt Augustin
Room: C 275
Telephone: +49 2241 865 217
Prof. Dr Tanja Clees
Engineering, particularly Informatics for Engineers, Modeling and Simulation, TREE - Member of Executive Board, Research Professorship
Sankt Augustin
Room: B 245
Telephone: +49 (2241) 865-9854
Sankt Augustin
Telephone: +49 (2241) 14-4074
Elected member of the council
Prof. Dr Kerstin Rosenow-Williams
Head of Programme Bachelor "Sustainable Social Policy (BA), Professor for Social Sustainability , Focus Area Sociology
Sankt Augustin
Room: F 242
Telephone: +49 2241 865 9845
Doctoral Officer Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies
Prof. Dr Alexander Boden
Professor for business economics, esp. Software Engineering, Schwerpunktprofessor for economical and social sustainablity, Co-Director of the Institute for Digital Consumption (Consumer Informatics)
Sankt Augustin
Room: E136
Telephone: +49 2241 865 119
Doctoral Officer Department of Management Sciences
Dr Barbara Hillen-Haas
Central Equal Opportunity Officer, Scientific staff member
Sankt Augustin
Room: E025
Telephone: +49 2241 865 268 oder 0151-14 22 44 48