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University and District Library

Windows 10 remote access configuration

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Please follow this step-by-step guide to set up remote access to the library's licensed digital services on a Windows 10 computer.

Step One:

Copy the following address to the clipboard:
Setup Library remote access Windows settings

Step Two:

Open the Windows Settings / Network and Internet

Setup Library remote access Windows settings proxy

Step Three

Switch on "Automatic proxy setup" and paste the script address copied in Step One into the script address field. Save your changes.

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The library's database and full-text services are can be entered from outside of the university network. If you call up one of these services, you will be asked to log in via remote access. To do that, please enter your library number and MIA password.

If an error message or a blank page appears, try refreshing your browser page.

All electronic resources and databases can be reached via Bib-Discover. A link in the search results will take you to the corresponding electronic resource.

In case you have any problems setting up your remote access, please contact us.

Frequently asked questions can be found here:

Any questions?

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Johannes Nettekoven

Technical Support


Sankt Augustin


A 105.10


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 685