Department of Natural Sciences
Department of Natural Sciences
G 129
von-Liebig-Str. 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 556Profile
Betreuung in folgenden Praktika:
- Schnelle Identifikation von Explosivstoffen
- ALBERO Transport alternativ betriebener Fahrzeuge auf RORO-Fährschiffen
Research Projects
Wire or ribbon connections made of aluminum are usually used to transmit electrical power in control units and power electronics modules. Since the connection points of the wires and ribbons are usually located on substrates made of different materials and the components are frequently exposed to external temperature differences, cracks can form in the material during operation and lead to complete failure of the component, which cannot be remedied by simple design modifications.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Christian DresbachThe aim of ALBERO is to develop concepts and technologies for the safe integration of alternatively fuelled vehicles into RORO ferry services. Alternative propulsion systems such as electric vehicles and battery-powered cars as well as alternative fuels such as natural gas and hydrogen are to be considered. The project will develop technical, structural and organisational measures to enable safe transport and (for electric vehicles) safe charging during the journey.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Peter-Michael Kaul