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Equal Opportunity

Projects for schoolgirls and schools

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What is considered "typically" female or male is often the undoing of young people when it comes to choosing a career: structural, social and personal barriers in the form of expectations prevent them from freely developing their potential. We give female students in particular the opportunity to overcome these barriers and discover their interest in computer science and technology through practical experience in a circle of like-minded people.
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After all, sometimes technical or mathematical skills are secondary when it comes to finding solutions to problems in our lives. Just as important are cooperative, communicative and creative skills - and many girls are simply strong in these. To make our world more sustainable and fair, we need the perspective of women and girls.

The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg offers courses for schoolgirls and nonbinary pupil. Here, the schoolgirls can deal with the subjects of technology and computer science in an informal way and gain practical experience.

If you would like to come to the university with a co-educational group, the Equal Opportunities Office will be happy to forward your request to the departments.

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School Holiday Projects for Girls

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Project days for school groups

Impressions from past vacation courses

Podcast Ferienkurs Neusel
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Gesche Neusel

Equality office, promotion of girls in computer science and technology, vacation projects for girls, projects with schools


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 795
