Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)
Companies on campus
Sankt Augustin

CV-CHECKS - online via WebEx
Are students and recent graduates your target group?
Would you like to get to know potential young professionals?
Can you advise on job applications?
Then use the online CV-Checks and get to know potential employees.
Companies get to know students in the individual consultation in matters of application documents and convey their know-how professionally and competently.
The Concept
- Individual application portfolio checks via WebEx
- Time slots of 30 minutes per person
- 6 to 8 hours of consulting *
- Prior viewing of the CV for better preparation
Your benefits
- Imparting of expert knowledge in the matter of optimizing application documents
- You appear as an expert in the field - indirect advertising for your company
- Get to know potential employees individually
- 50% discount voucher for the job portal www.stellenwerk-h-brs.de
Flat rate online
- 795,00 € plus 19% VAT.
*Exact time slots after consultation

You would like to do active university marketing?
Are you looking for qualified junior staff?
You would like to present yourself exclusively to students?
Then we have the right format for you with Fact & Soft Skills Workshop!
Companies present themselves digitally in the form of a workshop. Students are your target group and will become aware of your company through the delivery of high-quality content around Fact & Soft Skills*.
Our services
- Digital room via WebEx
- Announcement of your workshop via internal distribution list as well as social media & co.
- Registration management
Your benefits
- Digital presence with your target group of students
- Get to know potential employees
- Within the given motto Fact & Soft Skills you decide which topic you want to talk about
- 50% discount voucher for the job portal www.stellenwerk-h-brs.de
Flat rate online
- up to 4 hours: 595,00 €
- up to 8 hours: 795,00 €
All prices exclude 19% VAT.
*Exact times after consultation with your network manager
Do you still have questions?

Alexandra Lopes da Silva
Innovations- und Netzwerkmanagement , Research Field Security research, Jobportal, Companies on campus
Sankt Augustin
F 404
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 677