Summer School Programme USA
How to apply!
For your application, please complete the online application form of the RheinAhrCampus Remagen of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences linked below and upload the following documents.
To apply, please submit the following documents in English with your application and upload them as PDF files.
It is no longer possible to apply for the 2023 Summer School Programme. The application period for 2024 will start at the end of this year.
- Letter of motivation:
Briefly introduce yourself and explain to us in max. 3 A4 pages why you would like to participate in the Summer School Programme and how you will be personally involved in the programme, especially during the American students' stay in May. Do not forget to highlight any special activities or tasks you have undertaken before or during your studies. - Transcript of records:
Attach a current transcript of records (download via SIS) to your application. If you have not yet completed your first exams, please use your last school report (no certified copy necessary). - Curriculum vitae (CV) (including photo):
Attach your current CV including a photo of yourself.
Selection process
After all application documents have been received in full, they will be reviewed by us and a ranking will be drawn up. Places are allocated on the basis of the ranking. We make sure that the places are distributed equally between the two universities (H-BRS and RheinAhrCampus).
Please note that the average grade of your previous academic achievements is not the most important aspect for the ranking. The compilation of your documents, your motivation and also your activities outside of your studies (private or at the university) will be sufficiently appreciated in the selection process.
Application deadline:
to download