Department of Management Sciences

Practical presentation about energy and sustainable management


Tuesday 12 December 2023

In the summer semester of 2023, students specialising in Controlling on the Business Managemete degree programme were able to experience a practical presentation on energy and sustainability management at ITENOS GmbH, part of the Deutsche Telekom Group and a medium-sized IT provider, together with their lecturer Siegfried Kuhl.

Tim Mettbach, Head of Controlling at the company and Master's graduate in Controlling & Management at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and Christian Schake, Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy and Quality Manager at the company, gave the students a practical insight into sustainability management, carbon footprint, ISO 50001:2018-certified energy management and sustainability controlling at ITENOS GmbH in their guest lecture.

The students specialising in Controlling were particularly interested in how sustainability controlling is implemented in the company, which key performance indicator systems the company uses and which trends it sees in sustainability controlling, the extent to which sustainability reporting and the upcoming Supply Chain Sustainability Obligations Act are already noticeably assessed and operationally integrated. The company has already managed to neutralise all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions thanks to the sustainability targets it has set itself and their consistent management, which focus to a large extent on the naturally energy-intensive IT platforms and services operated throughout Germany.

The students also learnt once again from corporate practice that the electricity market, which has changed significantly since 2019, is an increasingly complex and dynamic management task that requires extremely efficient energy management.

The students were thus able to experience a representative example of efficient energy management and the targeted handling of Scope 1 to Scope 3 emissions as well as their controlling and optimisation for a more sustainable carbon footprint. There were also pragmatic tips for managing electricity suppliers at home. Using Tim Mettbach as an example, it was of course also exciting to see the career opportunities that a degree from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences offers.


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Siegfried Kuhl

Controlling, management acounting, mathematics


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin