Vice President International Affairs and Diversity (VP3)

Diversity Thursday: Inclusion in the Lecture Hall

Tuesday 23 April 2024

With "Diversity Thursday", we (the Diversity Management Team at H-BRS) regularly focus on diversity aspects and anti-discrimination issues on Thursdays. Today's Diversity Thursday addresses inclusion in the lecture hall.
Diversity Donnerstag_Inklusion im Hörsaal1

Why is inclusion in the lecture hall important?

According to the student survey in Germany: best3 (2023), 16 percent of all students in Germany have a disability or chronic illness that affects their studies. Of these, only half are satisfied with the conditions at universities.

Source: Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: best3 - Studieren mit einer gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung

Inclusion at H-BRS

For us, inclusion means strengthening the development of individual potential, promoting inclusion competence and advocating equal opportunities for people with different physical or mental abilities. H-BRS aims to break down barriers in the study and work environment through suitable measures, creates awareness among students and employees and shapes inclusive perspectives.

You can find more information on this in the Inclusion Strategy of H-BRS

We can all play an active role in shaping inclusion.


Life hacks for inclusion in the lecture hall

General advice:

  • Give people time and space to address problems (offer contact, refer to consultation hours)
  • Adopt a solution-orientated perspective
  • Focus on interim solutions that both sides can accept
  • No generalised assumptions about people with disabilities or chronic illnesses
  • Ask those affected for their perspective ("What would help you?")

At the beginning of the event:

  • Mention support and contact options on or before the first event date
  • Signal a general approachability

In conversations / lectures:

  • Test the acoustic situation in advance
  • Announce change of dialogue partners
  • Organise note taking
  • Communicate organisational information (e.g. submission times for assignments or examination dates) also in writing


  • Font size: Word 12 pt, PowerPoint 14 pt
  • Use sans serif fonts: e.g. Frutiger, Helvetica
  • Use page or slide numbering
  •  Ensure sufficient contrast to the background

Contact Points

Diversity Management


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

By appointment