Social Protection (MSc)

Join us: Alumni Seminar in Germany 2024 (Fully funded)

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Wednesday 27 March 2024

Advancing Social Protection in Germany - Evaluation of Reform Needs and Proposals

The master’s degree programme “Social Protection (MSc)” of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg cordially invite its alumni to join its third international alumni seminar on “Advancing Social Protection in Germany - Evaluation of Reform Needs and Proposals” from 15 October till 19 October 2024 in Sankt Augustin, Germany.

The event provides a further education and networking platform for MSc Social Protection alumni. It is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry for Development Cooperation (BMZ).

During the seminar, expert talks, field trips and alumni contributions will shed light on different aspects of social reform policies in the national and international context. Twentytwo (22) alumni will be invited to learn more about the latest evidence and interesting practices related to this area.

Experts from academia, governmental organizations, NGOs and international organizations will meet wit our alumni to discuss approaches, initiatives as well as research done in these fields. The event aims at establishing a unique platform for networking, reflection and knowledge exchange.

Preliminary Programme:

  • Day 1 (Tue, 15 October 2024): Arrival in Sankt Augustin and networking dinner
  • Day 2 (Wed, 16 October 2024) Opening, ice breaking sessions, keynote speechs and expert's presentations on the reform process in Germany and its challenges, panel discussion with stakeholders, Session on analyzing Social Protection Reforms in Germany and labour market reforms, that includes alumni group work session on selected social protection reforms, needs, challenges and fields of action
  • Day 3 (Thu, 17 October 2024): Sessions on Citizen's income in the national and international context
  • Day 4 (Fr, 18 October 2024):  Sessions on People-Centered Social Service, field trip
  • Day 5 (Sa, 19 October 2024): “Bringing in your own experience”, a session that includes alumni presentations and a boot camp for further interaction, wrap-up and recommendations, session on collaboration opportunities, joining the university graduation ceremony
  • Day 6: (Su, 20 October 2024) Departure

Further information on the programme will follow once the participants have been selected.


When? 15 October 2024-19 October2024

Where? Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin, Germany

Travel & Accommodation: The study programme will take care of travel arrangements and will cover the costs of flights, entry visa, hotel accommodation and catering.


Who can apply?

Alumni of the master’s programme Social Protection of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, who…

  • are working in the field of Social Protection
  • are a national of a DAC country (see BMZ list for DAC countries)
  • are willing to make a contribution to the programme's focus topics on social protection reforms, labour market reforms, citizen's income and social services (in both the national and international context)

Note: We will expect all participants to actively contribute to the programme in the form of panel discussions, presentations or speeches and we will select participants based on your proposed contribution in the application form.

How to apply?

  • Fill in the application form above and tell us briefly (in 200 words) how can you contribute to the seminar’s programme and its topic
  • Application deadline: 21 April 2024
  • Accepted applicants will be notified by end of April 2024

Looking forward to receiving your application!

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abdelrahman.fatoum.jpg (DE)

Abdelrahman Fatoum

Scientific staff member


Sankt Augustin


F 203


Grantham-Allee 2-8

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9948