Language Centre

Students from East Africa at BIDA Summer School

BIDA Summer School Begruessung Campusgarten StA 20230508 foto juri kuestenmacher 10.JPG

Friday 26 May 2023

As part of the blended learning event "Becoming Intercultural Diversity Ambassadors - BIDA", a total of 23 students and teachers from East Africa visited the university in May. The Summer School was organised by Christine Freitag from the Department of Social Policy and Social Security / Language Centre and Eileen Küpper from the Language Centre.

BIDA: Becoming Intercultural Diversity Ambassadors

The one-week summer school was the last phase of the two-semester blended learning course "Becoming Intercultural Diversity Ambassadors - BIDA", which Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg conducted together with its African partner universities, Mount Kenya University (Kenya), the Institute of Finance Management (Tanzania) and the University of Zambia (Zambia).


  • Online block courses in November 2022
  • Two-week BIDA Spring School in Tanzania (IFM) and Kenya (MKU) from 18 February to 5 March 2023
  • One-week BIDA Summer School at H-BRS from 7 to 14 May 2023

Between the first two phases, the students worked online in intercultural teams on the diversity dimensions of age, religion and gender to develop proposals for measures, which they presented in the form of posters during the Spring School. In preparation for the Summer School, the groups were reshuffled and the students exchanged ideas in advance.

BIDA Zeitplan 2022-2023_Christine_Freitag
BIDA schedule
BIDA Summer School Agenda 2023_Christine_Freitag
Agenda of BIDA Summer School 2023

The core of the one-week Summer School, which took place at the university from 7 to 14 May, was the conception and implementation of four individual events by the BIDA students for the RESPECT! diversity day on 11 May 2023.

The programme offered enough space to prepare the events in group work. It was supplemented by guest lectures, such as from the DHL Diversity Team or HelpAge Germany, as well as visits to the cities of Bonn and Cologne and courses such as Intercultural Communication.

A highlight for the students was the hybrid conference "Virtual Mobility for All - ViMoAll" at the end of the Summer School on 13 May. The students organised the World Café "Blended Learning in a Global Context" and presented BIDA's blended learning course concept in the form of a poster.

(Photos: Juri Küstenmacher)


Foto Christine Freitag

Christine Freitag

Academic Advisor, B.Sc. International Business


Sankt Augustin


E 120


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

monday - friday: by arrangement


+49 2241 865-9676

Eileen Küpper

M.Sc., Lecturer in English and Intercultural Communication, Coordinator of the English programme (Department of Management Sciences)




A 156


von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359 Rheinbach

Contact hours

wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (only during the lecture, by phone): by appointment (to be arranged by email or phone)


+49 2241 865 765