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Language Centre

What students say about our Korean language courses



From kimchi to Korean barbecue. South Korea offers a multitude of reasons why you should learn Korean. In addition to its culinary specialities, Korea is also known for its global pop culture and K-pop. The Hangeul alphabet, known for its simple structure, makes it easier for you to learn the language. Inspire yourself and attend one of our language courses at the University of Applied Sciences. Read here what students particularly liked about the Korean courses in previous semesters:

„Frau Kim ist sehr freundlich, offen und immer motiviert! Die koreanische Sprache mit Ihr zu lernen macht viel Spaß.”

Student of the University of Applied Sciences

English translation:

"Mrs Kim is very friendly, open and always motivated! Learning Korean with her is a lot of fun."

„Gruppenarbeiten und offene Gespräche, viele Interaktionen mit Studierenden.”

Student of the University of Applied Sciences

English translation:

"Group work and open discussions, many interactions with students."

„Man wird während der Veranstaltung immer eingebunden und jeder kann nicht nur, sondern muss aktiv mitarbeiten und dabei wird niemand bloßgestellt, wenn etwas nicht verstanden wurde.”

Student of the University of Applied Sciences

English translation:

"You are always involved during the event and everyone can not only, but must actively participate and no one is exposed if something is not understood."

„Besonders gut gefallen mir die unterschiedlichen Abgaben, wie das Aufnehmen eines Vorstellungsvideos in einer Gruppe.”

Student of the University of Applied Sciences

English translation:

"I particularly like the different tasks, such as recording an introduction video in a group."

Further information on the language courses

Are you interested in learning a new language? For further questions and information, please visit LEA. You can register via LEA during the registration phase.


albina_rogozhnikova_spz.jpg (DE)

Albina Rogozhnikova

Lecturer for German as a foreign language and Russian, Coordinator for languages other than English, German or Spanish


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

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by appointment


+49 2241 865 9847

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Language Centre Office