Department of Computer Science

Talk Prof. Nardi: Robots that learn from the user

Friday 21 August 2015

On the occasion of our 20th anniversary celebration, we are very pleased to have Prof. Nardi from Sapienza University Rome with us for a colloquium:

Please join us!

on     friday, june 19th

from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in H 3



Our research aims at developing techniques and tools to improve the capabilities of robotic systems, by taking advantage of the knowledge, skills and preferences of the user. Specifically, we target the domain of service robotics, where users and mobile robots interact and cooperate in an indoor environment, such as a home, through a multi-modal interface including spoken language. In particular, we first present an approach for the interactive construction of the semantic map, which provides a representation of the environment that can support the proper interpretation of spoken commands. Then, we focus on the teaching through an interactive process of complex task that the user wants to be accomplished by the robot. Both the knowledge about the environment and the knowledge about the tasks to be executed can be subsequently updated, incrementally augmented by different users and shared by other robots. The proposed approach has been implemented on a variety of mobile platforms and tested in manifold environments and with multiple users.


Daniele Nardi is full Professor (since 2000) at Sapienza Univ. Roma, Faculty of Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Informatica, Statistica, Dept. Computer, Control and Management Engineering "A. Ruberti". He is currently coordinator of the PhD program in Computer Engineering at Sapienza and responsible for the Master curriculum in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Daniele Nardi leads the research laboratory "Cognitive Robot Teams", addressing different research topics: Cognitive Robotics, Localization, Navigation, Perception, Cooperation in multi-robot systems, Human Robot Interaction, multimodal interfaces and speech; The scientific and technical achievements are deployed in manifold application domains: Ambient Intelligence and robots to support elderly people, Disaster Response robots to explore and gather information from the environment, Soccer Player robots for RoboCup competitions. Daniele Nardi is ECCAI Fellow, and was President of RoboCup Federation (2011-2014). He is currently Principal Investigator of of EU projects RoCKIn, for benchmarking robot competitions, ROVINA for 3D reconstruction of 3D maps of hard-to-access archeological sites (e.g. catacombs) and Flourish for the use of robotics for precision agriculture.
