Language Centre

Second video conference scheduled with ENSAE ParisTech

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Students from ENSAE (École nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique) ParisTech have joined the collaborative writing project: Let’s Blog: How German and French students see the world!

ENSAE students will meet with students from the business department in Sankt Augustin on Monday, 9 December 2014, for their second virtual conference. The first video conference took place in October where students met for the first time to discuss writing their collaborative articles.

19 joint French-German articles were published in English last week on the blog set up for this purpose. Topics ranged from issues relating to energy consumption, to multilingual learning in France and German, refugee policies in both countries and how social networks influence our lives. To read the articles see the WordPress Blog link below.

Let’s Blog: How German and French students see the world! is an intercultural writing project initiated in 2011 by Regina Brautlacht, Lecturer from the Language Centre at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, and her colleague Csilla Ducrocq from Paris.


Project coordinators:

Regina Brautlacht, Germany,
Csilla Ducrocq, France,




ENSAE Paris Tech