Administrative unit 2: Human Resources

Incapacity for work and leave


Sankt Augustin


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: By arrangement

Please note that there is currently no automated time management system. Most of the entries are made manually. There may therefore be delays in processing and we ask for your patience.
Klebezettel auf Tastatur Krank (DE)

Employees covered by collective agreements and civil servants

Illnesses, secondary illnesses and accidents must be reported immediately to the Human Resources Department and your line manager, stating the expected duration.

You can reach the Human Resources Department at:

In the event of incapacity for work lasting longer than three days, employees are obliged to have the incapacity for work confirmed by a doctor and to inform the Human Resources Department immediately of

  • the first day of incapacity for work and
  • the expected duration.

It is sufficient to send the notification by e-mail to the e-mail inbox

For employees who do not participate in the time recording system, we also ask for feedback on when work was resumed. The resumption of work must also be reported to the central e-mail address/extension for sickness notifications.


... notify the secretariat of the respective department and the Human Resources Department - Team Professorships and Civil Servants at of any illnesses/consequential illnesses/accidents, stating the expected duration.

Information on electronic notification of incapacity for work (eAU)

The certificates of incapacity for work must be actively requested in digital form from the health insurance companies by the department. Please note that it can take up to 14 days to request the certificates, for the health insurance companies to provide them and for the eAU certificates to be processed.

Employees with statutory health insurance are no longer required to submit paper sickness certificates, but are not required to report their incapacity for work (by telephone or email to In addition, employees are still obliged to have any incapacity for work lasting longer than three days confirmed by a doctor.

This regulation results from the decision of the German Bundestag on 18.09.2019, according to which doctors are to transmit certificates of incapacity for work electronically to the health insurance funds and employers are to retrieve them there paperlessly from 01.01.2022.

Due to the high degree of flexibility in working hours at H-BRS made possible by the service agreement on the further development of flexitime and annual working hours, visits to the doctor must be made outside working hours and are not counted as working hours. Please refer to the service agreement for details.
Kalendereintrag Urlaub (DE)

Employees covered by collective agreements and civil servants

Please submit a corresponding DIAS application in good time before the start of the desired leave.


If the vacation entitlement earned in the current calendar year cannot be taken in the same calendar year, it may be carried over until 31.12. of the following year.


Please note that the remaining leave from the previous year must be taken and used up in full by 31.12. of the following year so that it does not expire!


If possible, no vacation should be taken during the probationary period, as this is a trial period. Vacation during the probationary period must be coordinated with the employees from the team of tariff employees.

Illnesses or accidents during vacation must be reported immediately and not only after returning to work. A medical certificate must be submitted from the first day of illness.

For stays abroad, the medical certificate must be submitted with a German translation.


According to § 121 para. 2 LBG NRW, professors must take their vacation during the lecture-free period.

The leave is reported to the head of department. At the end of the leave year, the documentation must be forwarded by the head of department to the Human Resources Department by 15.01. of the following year.

Do you still have questions?

Jana-Mareike Meese

Team Salaried Employees, personnel administrator


Sankt Augustin


E 213


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 737
Teaser Placeholder

Marion Biendara

Team Salaried Employees


Sankt Augustin


G 245


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Montag bis Donnerstag


+49 2241 865 9810