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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

Onboarding for Newly Appointed Professors

The programme for newly appointed professors "Ankommen in der Lehre" (Arriving in Teaching) is a cooperation project with Aachen University of Applied Sciences and Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences to help you get started in teaching. The programme consists of two modules:

1. Basic course

The basic course in higher education didactics "teaching and learning in the digitalised world" deals with topics in teaching in a practical way.

As a professor, you have specialist knowledge and professional experience. In the basic course, you will learn to combine your expertise with didactic knowledge and didactic design skills in order to promote sustainable competence acquisition among students.

Together with other new professors from our university and new professors from Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences and Aachen University of Applied Sciences, you will work on key aspects of competency-based courses and examination planning. There will be enough space to implement didactic design options directly in your own courses.

The basic course consists of four attendance days, which are supplemented by mutual course visits, two web conferences and digital exam challenges. It is offered twice a year, usually starting in March and September.


2. TeachingCoaching

The second part of the programme is called TeachingCoaching. In this part, the focus is entirely on your issues. You set the agenda and our external coaches, with proven expertise in higher education didactics, guide you in developing solutions.

Following the basic course, you will have the opportunity to work with the coach on your higher education didactic topics for up to ten hours over a twelve-month period, after you have met with us to discuss the right choice of coach.

In addition to face-to-face meetings, online coaching is also possivle. Part of the coaching process is also a visit to one of your courses, where you receive feedback on previously discussed topics using a concrete example.

Here you will find a list of the coaches who are available to you.

The programme provides a framework in which you can meet other new professors across disciplines and universities, share experiences, and use tools to plan your teaching effectively.

We look forward to accompanying you as you arrive in teaching. If you would like to take part in the programme, please contact Ms Andrea Schröder.

„Ob Speed-Dating, Muddiest Points oder Slack: Das Portfolio des Neuberufenenprogramms ist derart umfangreich, dass auch didaktisch erfahrene Kolleg:innen neue Impulse für ihre Lehre erhalten. Darüber hinaus eröffnet der Austausch mit Neuberufenen anderer Hochschulen und Disziplinen neue Perspektiven. Ein Programm, das auf vielen Ebenen wertvollen Input bringt. Für Neuberufenen absolut empfehlenswert.”

Prof. Dr. Tanja Köhler - Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau & Technikjournalismus

Further Testimonials (German)
Prof. Dr. Tanja Köhler


portraet andrea schroeder website.jpg (DE)

Andrea Schröder

Administrative Director of the Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL), President’s Commissioner for didactical training




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