Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
Write your Thesis with the CENTIM
How to get startet?
If you are interested in writing your thesis with CENTIM, contact our team. We will be happy to discuss potential research topics, provide guidance on methodology, and assist you in finding a suitable supervisor.
Thesis with practice partners
Your thesis is not just an academic requirement but an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge and practice of entrepreneurship, Innovation and SME management. Let us know if you want to work with a company of your choice

If interested, two steps are required before the official thesis procedure begins:
- Interested students send an email to the researcher of interest. Please include your name, the name of the degree programme, examination/ student number, and the topic of interest with research questions that are as precise as possible. This also applies to the proposed topics below. Via e-mail, it will be discussed if the supervision of the master's or bachelor's thesis is possible and further details are discussed.
- The potential candidate prepares an exposé and a thesis structure and sends it to the researcher / potential supervisor. In a personal talk, the final outline will be assessed. At the same time, the thesis has to be registered at the examination office. By the definition of the outline, the official working time starts.
If an unreasonable amount of time elapses before the final outline is agreed upon, or if registration at the examination office is not arranged in parallel, the topic will be forfeited. This is to ensure fair conditions for all candidates.

Finding a topic
The first step in the preparation of a thesis is to answer the following question:
“Which topic would I like to work on in my thesis?”
If you decide to work on a thesis with CENTIM, there are several ways of finding a topic.
- Proposed Topic: Check with the researchers below which topic they are currently offering
- Own Topic Suggestion: You have your own suggestions for an interesting topic and have already written a short exposé of the desired thesis topic. Please make sure that your topic is grounded in either of the fields of CENTIM - Entrepreneurship, Innovation or SME Management.
- Thesis in Cooperation with a Company: Contact us to see which researcher best matches your topic
Language: Speak with your supervisor to see which language is applicable. We offer thesis supervision in English and German.

What do we expect from you?
At the Centre, we have certain expectations from students who choose to write their thesis with us. We believe these expectations will enhance the quality of your research and contribute to your personal and professional growth. Here's what we expect from students:
We encourage students to explore original and innovative research topics within entrepreneurship, innovation and SME management. We expect you to bring fresh perspectives and propose ideas that have the potential to contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
We value rigorous and methodical research. You are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of research methodologies and apply them appropriately to your thesis. We encourage you to conduct thorough literature reviews, collect and analyze data effectively, and draw meaningful conclusions based on evidence.
While academic rigour is critical, we also emphasize the practical implications of your research. We expect you to consider the practical implications of your findings for entrepreneurs, SMEs, and the broader business community. Your thesis should provide actionable insights and recommendations that can be implemented in real-world contexts.
Clear and effective communication is essential in academic writing. We expect you to present your ideas, arguments, and findings clearly, concisely, and organised. Proper referencing and adherence to academic writing conventions are also important aspects of your thesis.
Completing a thesis requires dedication and time management skills. We expect you to adhere to the agreed-upon timeline, meet deadlines, and demonstrate a high level of commitment to your research. Regular communication with your supervisor and active engagement in the research process are also essential.
Find below an overview of our researchers and their fields of expertise
Professor Dr. Klaus Deimel
Professor Deimel betreut Abschlussarbeiten in folgenden Bereichen:
- Finanzierung und Unterstützung von Startups (Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital, Crowdfunding u. Ä.)
- Entrepreneurship
- in etablierten Unternehmen
- in strukturschwachen oder ländlichen Räumen
- Entrepreneurship Education
Frank Maikranz Dipl. Kaufmann/Dipl. Volkswirt
- Entrepreneurship
- Migrapreneurship
- Female Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Business Models and Business Model Innovation
Dr Ivan Paunovic
- Social entrepreneurship and innovation
- Entrepreneurship for sustainability and circular economy
- IT entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Entrepreneurship in health sector
- Wine marketing
- Tourism marketing
- Quality management and accessibility
Joyce Treptow, M. A.
(Only in English)
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Digital Innovation
- Digital Entrepreneurship and Eco-Systems
- Innovation in developing countries
Cathleen Müller
- Typologie ländlicher Coworking Spaces
(Digitale-) Start-up Förderung im ländlichen Raum
- Erfolgsmessung von Gründungsförderungsprogrammen
- Motivation von Gründer:innen ländlicher Coworking Spaces
Kerstin Schickendanz, MBA, Dipl. Medien-Ökonomin
- Social Innovation
- Social Business Models
- Social Enterprises
- Entrepreneurial Skill and Mindset
- Marketing for NPOs
Haben Sie Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.

Klaus Deimel
Department of Management Sciences (Rheinbach Campus)/Professor of Business Management/esp. Management-oriented Accounting/ Controlling/Board Member of the BRS Institute for International Studies/Managing Director of CENTIM
H 304
von-Liebig-Str. 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865-453
Frank C. Maikranz
Department of Management Sciences Rheinbach Campus, Teacher for special tasks, Founding Director CENTIM, Project Manager Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin - SUPRA, Programme Director MBA Start-up Development
Research fields
H 305
von-Liebig-Str. 8
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 419
Research fields
H 306
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
Contact hours
Montag - Freitag: 9:00 - 13.00
+49 2241 865 185Unterstützende Angebote - H-BRS
Further links