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University and District Library

E-Books der Woche

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Mit unserem Service Bib-NewArrivals können Sie sich gezielt über alle E-Book-Neuheiten im Bestand der Bibliothek benachrichtigen lassen - oder nur die E-Books aus einem bestimmten Fachgebiet. Die Benachrichtigung erhalten Sie per E-Mail auf Wunsch täglich, wöchentlich oder monatlich.

Alle E-Books findet man über den Katalog der Bibliothek - einfach die Medienart "Online" auswählen.

Recently bought e-books for the Department of Natural Sciences


Organic Spectroscopic Analysis by Anderson / Bendell / Groundwater.

Introduction to NMR, IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS).

Link E-Book:


John Greaves and John Roboz: Mass Spectrometry for the Novice

With usage of mass spectrometry continually expanding, an increasing number of scientists, technicians, students, and physicians are coming into contact with this valuable technique.

Link E-Book:


Technik (Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau) / Engineering

  • Handbook of human factors and ergonomics / ed. by Gavriel Salvendy. "The main purpose of this handbook is to serve the needs of the human factors and ergonomics researchers, practitioners, and graduate students. Each chapter has a strong theory and scientific base, but is heavily focused on real world applications."
  • Neu in unseren virtuellen Regalen ist das Lehrbuch von Professor Welf Wawers: „Bionik – bionisches Konstruieren verstehen und anwenden“. Dieser Blick auf die Bionik soll zur Durchführung bionischer Projekte motivieren und befähigen: (E-Book)
  • Sehr beliebt ist auch „Elektronik für Entscheider - Grundwissen für Wirtschaft und Technik“ vom frisch berufenen Vizepräsidenten, Professor Marco Winzker:


Recently promoted ebooks for business students

Griffin: Internat. Business
The library has acquired further licenses for the e-book "International business - a managerial perspective" von Griffin + Pustay - the student-friendly text offers a managerial approach that keeps an emphasis on skills development, emerging markets and geographical literacy.
Direct link:

Jones: Theory design
The printed version is available in the bib shelves - if you didn't get one anymore, try the e-book version of G.R. Jones: "Organizational theory, design, and change" - For undergraduate and graduate courses in Organization Theory, Organizational Design, and Organizational Change/Development.
Direct link:
Access to the e-books from home: use the library's remote access - ask the library team if you have problems.. (spb)

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