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Communications and Marketing

H-BRS and social media

Die H_BRS ist in einer Vielzahl von Social-Media-Netzwerken aktiv. (DE)
Social media offer companies, organisations and universities the opportunity to communicate directly with their respective target groups.
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H-BRS is active on a variety of social media networks.

Networks such as Facebook, Xing or X (formerly Twitter) connect millions of people directly with each other today. People all over the world share emotions and impressions via photo and film platforms such as YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest.

For these reasons, social media is an excellent way to present the diversity of university life. The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, hashtag #H_BRS, uses the development of the "participatory internet" and its many possibilities for direct dialogue, especially with students, prospective students, staff and alumni.

The Communication and Marketing Office alone operates channels in all relevant social media networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Xing and LinkedIn). Facilities and institutes as well as university-related committees and institutions and the student self-administration committees have additional profiles, pages and groups in the networks. Staff and students are privately active in social media.

Setting up and operating social media services for all central areas of the university is generally the responsibility of the Communications and Marketing Office. It advises and supports departments and divisions with social media issues. It always does this while taking into account the university's central social media strategies.

You can find the university's social media team here (channels in alphabetical order from F for Facebook to Y for YouTube):


Yorck Weber (DE)

Yorck C. Weber

Coordinator In-House Communications and Social Media


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 722

Contact points

Team Communications and Marketing


Sankt Augustin


E 237 - 242


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00