University and District Library
Inter-library loan
Media unavailable in the University and District Library can be ordered from other libraries via inter-library loan.
The most important information on inter-library loan and the ordering process can be found in the following videos:
The ordering process for books via inter-library loan
The ordering process for articles via inter-library loan
- Cost: 1,50 EUR per order (+ postal charges to contact you via letter, in case you haven't given us an e-mail address). Further costs may occur for very large or heavy media.
- Payment: For every order, you need a transaction number (TAN) which needs to be purchased in the library before placing the order
- Delivery time: Journal articles take approx. 2-3 days, books take approx. 7-10 days
- Delivery: Books can be picked up in the library, articles will be delivered to you via e-mail
- Lending period: Books ordered via inter-library loan are bound to the lending periods of their original library and their lending periods cannot be extended.
- For special questions, please contact
Details about the ordering process
- Log in to MIA using the link above (Library number + MIA password)
Books and book extracts
- Search for the wanted book (Title, Author, ISBN etc.)
- Choose book and decide whether you want to order the whole book or just an extract
- Take note of the delivery terms and conditions and change them if needed. Choose where you want to pick up the book (Rheinbach or Sankt Augustin)
- Type in your TAN to pay for the order
- Please write down the order number in case of questions later
- You will be notified via e-mail when your order has arrived. Please make sure the library has your e-mail address!
Journal articles
- Search for the wanted journal (Title, ISSN, etc.)
- Pick from the hit list
- Enter ordering data (fields with an asterisk * are obligatory)
- Set delivery terms: "Pick up in the library" and e-mail notification
- Choose pick-up location (Sankt Augustin or Rheinbach)
- Check "intended purpose"
- Type in your TAN and click "order"
- Please keep the TAN on file in case of questions later!
Some literature cannot be ordered via inter-library loan:
- Reference books, non-lending collection titles
- Loose-leaf collections, irreplaceable works, large format books
- Hobby books and popular fiction
- Books with an original price lower than 10 EUR
- Bacholor, master, diploma and state exam theses
- Books that have been on the market for less than a year
Any questions?
Alexander Verleger
Departmental Head Rheinbach, Subject Librarian Natural Sciences
C 101.7
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 482Jairo Compostela
Customer Services, Information Services, Supervision of interns
Sankt Augustin
A 105.12
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 02241 865 9846Links
Further links