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ALT International Media Studies (MA)

Curriculum International Media Studies (M.A.)

The Master's Program trains students - personally and professionally - to be competent media experts. Students will acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are essential for a career in the media sector. They will be able to meet specific occupational requirements with expertise and communicative independence. The Master's Program prepares our Alumni for the challenges of leadership positions in the international media field.

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In the first and second semester information on the interrelations between media, politics and society as well as comprehension of media development politics and knowledge of journalism, media economics and management are being delivered to the students. The acquisition of key competencies like communication and presentation skills as well as intercultural know-how is a further component of the first year of study.

In the third semester the block courses on empiricism, media planning and user research form the pillars of the study plan. They are being supplemented by interdisciplinary courses in project management as well as leadership. Further, in the area "Media", study projects in media or communication science are required. The development of the Master's Thesis shall be carried our in the fourth semester, concluding with a Master's Thesis Colloquium.

You will find the Module Handbook, an overview of the Credit Points of each module and other relevant information for download in the Deutsche Welle FAQ section.

Tuition Fees, Financing and Scholarships

The tuition fees for the postgraduate, four-semester Master's Program will amount to 6,000 EUR. Students can either pay the total sum before admission or in monthly installments of 250 EUR. The DAAD offers up to 10 scholarships. The program admits students in September every year.


Reference and further information: