Department of Management Sciences
Orientation week
Exploring BRSU and its surroundings
During the first week BRSU will welcome you, putting on an orientation programme and holding a variety of activities to give the information needed and a chance to meet other students.
Besides the formal matters that have to be dealt with the first days we offer a varied programme to facilitate your start in Germany and give you the possibility to free time until the German summer course begins. Orientation week will create a comfortable atmosphere in which you can explore the many opportunities our university and the cities of Bonn and Rheinbach have to offer.
In cooperation with the student union we put on a variety of events during the first week including
- Bonn City Rallye
- Barbecue with fellow students
- Campus visits
- Boat trip on the river Rhine
- Trip to Siegburg
- Exploring nightlife of Bonn
- and many more…