Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)
General Information on funding programmes
FIT - Information Service Research International Transfer
FIT provides targeted and customized funding information to H-BRS researchers. It is, on the one hand, a newsletter that you can customize according to your personal preferences
preferences and on the other hand a database
which you can search.
Here you can register and log in.
A variety of programs exist at state, federal and European level to promote research and development. Please inform yourself about the respective guidelines and criteria before submitting an application. Decisive for funding is not only the scientific quality, but also the fulfillment of the funding criteria.
The Center for Science and Technology Transfer will be pleased to assist you with:
- in the formulation of your project idea
- in the research of suitable programs and contact persons
- in the search for possible cooperation partners
- filling in the application forms and calculating the project costs
- in the preparation of the application with additional information and tips.
Research funding at state, federal and EU level
- Programs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Tenders of the federal government
- Programs of the EU
- Mobility Programs
- Support for business start-ups
Here you will find a list of the relevant project sponsors as well as the associated research programs.
Do you still have questions?
Katharina Kämmerer
Research Funding, Department: Engineering and Communication (FB 03), Institutes: TREE, ISF/IDT, Overarching topics: intellectual property rights and exploitation, support for start-ups
Sankt Augustin
F 409
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 461Anja Schlochtermeier
Research Funding, Department: Economics (FB 01), Social policy and social security (FB06), Institutes: IZNE, IVI, CENTIM, ZEV, Parent topics: ERDF
Sankt Augustin
F 409
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 478