Department of Computer Science
Prizes awarded for outstanding theses in the Department of Computer Science
The awards emphasise the Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg to promoting young academics and strengthening the links between the university and the regional economy. Every year, companies that cooperate closely with the university donate the prizes, thereby signalling their appreciation of practical and innovative research work.
The outstanding theses were honoured in a festive ceremony at Schloss Birlinghoven.
An overview of the prizewinners from the Department of Computer Science and their award-winning theses:
- Bachelor of Computer Science
Prize winner: Jakob Stühn
Title of the thesis: Detektion von Linux Rootkits
1st examiner: Prof. Elamr Padilla
2. Prüfer: Prof. Markus Ullmann - Bachelor of Business Information Systems
Prize winner: Sophia Nowicki
Title of the thesis: Vergleich und Integration verschiedener Webservices zur Dokumenten-Extraktion in ein Dokumenten-Management-System
1st examiner: Prof. Sascha Alda
2nd examiner: Prof. Matthias Bertram
- Master Computer Science
Prize winner: Moritz Balg
Title of the thesis: Ein feingranulares und dynamisches Zugriffsmanagement für datenbankgestützte IoT-Anwendungen – Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung
1st examiner: Prof. Knolle
2nd examiner: Prof. Bertram - Master Autonomous Systems
Prize winner: Huy Tran Tien
Title of zhe thesis: Continual Learning in Object Detection
1st examiner: Prof. Plöger
2nd examiner: Prof. Houben
Prof. Sascha Alda, Dean of the Department of Computer Science, warmly congratulated all nominees on their outstanding achievements and emphasised the importance of these awards for the professional and personal development of graduates.
With this initiative, the Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg contributes significantly to the promotion of research and teaching at the H-BRS and supports students in their transition to professional practice.
Sankt Augustin
C 218 / Dean's office C 101
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
Contact points:
Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg e.V.
Sankt Augustin
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