Graduate Institute

Roman Grimmig- Doctorate for research in the field of water analysis


Monday 7 October 2024

Roman Grimmig is a graduate of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) and successfully defended his doctoral examination on 30.09.2024 with the topic ‘Characterisation of a PEM electrolyzer for ozone generation in ultrapure and drinking water applications’ at the University of Bonn. Congratulations to him!

Roman Grimmig graduated from H-BRS with a degree in chemistry and materials science and then went on to studyanalytics and quality assurance. From 2016 to 2023, he worked at the Department of Applied Natural Sciences at H-BRS and at the Institute for Technology, Resource and Energy Efficiency (TREE). During this time, he worked on his dissertation, successfully published his scientific findings in recognised journals and presented them at international conferences. The work was carried out in Prof Witzleben's working group. The review panel consisted of professors Günther,  Baltruschat, Glaum and  Schulze.

In 2021, he reported on his personal research adventure as part of the podcast series ‘Abenteuer Promotion’. 

Since 2024, Roman Grimmig has been working in a responsible position for the company Innovatec Gerätetechnik in Rheinbach.

What the doctoral thesis was all about

Roman Grimmig (DE)

For us it is normal to get water of impeccable quality straight from the tap. As part of drinking water treatment, oxidative processes such as ozonisation are often used, which effectively remove potentially harmful water constituents (e.g. germs) and thus disinfect the water. For this purpose, Roman Grimmig developed a modular ozone generator that enables this oxidative treatment as required. He evaluated a combined oxidative and reductive treatment in conventional tap water in order to reliably exclude any undesirable disinfection by-products.


130927_hbrs_witzleben_04.jpg (DE)

Steffen Witzleben

Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Research fields




A 278


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359 Rheinbach

Roman Grimmig (DE)

Roman Grimmig

MSc, Scientific staff member




I204 / K224 R


Heisenbergstraße 16

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 573


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Sankt Augustin


F 427 , F 425, F 423


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

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Montag-Freitag 9.00-13.00 Uhr telefonisch oder am Campus mit Termin
