Language Centre

Register now! Workshops offered by the Language Centre

Monday 2 September 2024

Discover the wide range of workshops in German and English offered by the Writing Centre, the Schreibzentrum and the Speaking & (Language-)Learning Lab in the winter semester!

Writing centre (for texts in German)

Are you writing a term paper or thesis this semester? The Schreibzentrum offers various workshops to support you in structuring and writing your academic paper.


Speaking & (Language) Learning Lab

Confident speaking, presenting and spoken exam trainings! The Speaking & (Language) Learning Lab offers workshops and coaching projects to help you prepare and master important situations in your student life.


Writing Centre (for texts in English)

Are you writing an essay, report or article? Are you working on your Bachelor's or Master's thesis? Or are you writing an international CV and a letter of motivation? Would you like some feedback to improve your writing?  


All workshop offers can be found on the Language Centre LEA page "Workshops" - here you will find information on the workshop content and event times and can register directly.


Detailed information on the other services offered by the Writing Centre, the Schreibzentrum and the Speaking & (Language-)Learning Lab


Writing Centre

Speaking & (Language-)Learning Lab

Contact points

Sekretariat Sprachenzentrum