Graduate Institute
PhD Project Exhibition and Doctoral Seminar
Friday, 08 November 2024
10:00 - 19:00
Sankt AugustinCampus
Poster Exhibition for all H-BRS-PhDs and Talks by 3 Departments of PK NRW
The event is aimed at all doctoral students at H-BRS as well as all doctoral students from other universities who are members of one of the three departments of PK NRW mentioned above and their supervisors.
Preliminary agenda
- Poster exhibition of the doctoral projects at H-BRS
- Presentations by doctoral candidates in several parallel tracks
- Networking and scientific exchange
- Information event for supervisors at PK NRW
Call for contributions
Please send registrations and abstracts to as well as to the responsible departmental coordinator at PK NRW.
Contact Graduate Institute
Sankt Augustin
F423 , F425, F427
Opening hours
Mondays to Fridays: 9am-1pm by telephone or on campus with prior appointment