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Access road next to the G building: construction of the barrier system has begun

Bauarbeiten Schrankenanlage Zufahrt G-Gebäude 2024-08-20_Foto MS

Wednesday 21 August 2024

The preparatory construction work for the future barrier system at section G has begun. The road surface has been removed on one side over a length of a few metres. Access to the car parks next to and behind building H/G remains possible for cars for the time being.

Bauarbeiten Schrankenanlage Zufahrt G-Gebäude 2024-08-20_Foto MS
The access road to the car parks next to the G building is impassable for a few metres.

The asphalt surface on one half of the road has been milled away over a length of several metres and the area is cordoned off: The first construction work for the future barrier system can be seen on the access road to the university car parks south of Building G. The work is in preparation for the installation of supply shafts. For cars, the access road will initially remain accessible on one side, meaning that the car parks next to the access road and the large car park behind the G/H section of the building will remain accessible. Lorries, on the other hand, will no longer be able to access the university campus here; they will have to drive across the forecourt towards the main building and turn right at the dining hall if they want to get to the back of the A building, for example. The actual work on the access road is scheduled to begin on 26 August. After that, the access road will still be open to cars on one side.

The installation of the barrier system is planned for mid-September, but commissioning has not yet been scheduled. In future, access to all car parks on the university campus will only be possible with an authorisation card (ID card/student ID card).

Lageplan Campus Sankt Augustin 2023ohneTechnopark

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Construction projects


Sankt Augustin


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53757, Sankt Augustin


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