Department of Management Sciences
Practical project on sustainability management
Under the guidance of Siegfried Kuhl, a lecturer at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and in collaboration with Brigitte Müller, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager at the company health insurance funds, the students successfully achieved the project's objectives. Their work made its way into Pronova BKK's current Sustainability Reporting for 2022/2023.
The project aimed to optimise a relevant reporting standard based on existing sustainability guidelines, strategies, and frameworks. It involved designing tools to efficiently support sustainability management and reporting, as well as developing potential communication designs and strategies related to sustainability and its reporting. Additionally, the students provided feedback from a student perspective on Pronova BKK's sustainability activities.
Remarkably, the project received mention in the company's current Sustainability Reporting 2022/2023. The report stated, "[...] 9 students from the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences examined our commitment in a practical project [...], resulting in significant insights." (see: Nachhaltigkeitsreport of Pronova BKK 2022/2023, page 3; in German only)
Beyond the fascinating glimpse into the organisational structure of a statutory health insurance company, including its sustainability and management aspects, it was truly a special experience to present the project results to Lutz Kaiser (Pronova BKK Board Member), Brigitte Müller (CSR Manager at Pronova BKK), and other communication professionals from the company, both on-site in Leverkusen and beyond.
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin