Communications and Marketing

Our life with AI: Lecture series on technology and environmental ethics at H-BRS

Symbolbild Mensch und Kuenstliche Intelligenz

Tuesday 9 April 2024

In the summer semester 2024, artificial intelligence will be the focus of the lecture series on technology and environmental ethics at H-BRS. AI is now part of our lives, is changing our work and is developing rapidly. Nine experts will give lectures on AI in various scientific disciplines and professions and then discuss opportunities, risks and ethical issues with students and the audience.

The lecture series will take place on Thursdays from April 18 from 6:15-7:45 p.m. in lecture hall 7 on the Sankt Augustin campus and is a public event. Guests are cordially invited.
The patron of the TUE 2024 lecture series is Professor Dirk Reith, Director of the TREE research institute at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. For him, AI stands for disruptive change: "ChatGPT marks nothing less than a turning point: Suddenly we all have a powerful tool at our disposal that was science fiction just a short time ago. And this is just the beginning. Is such AI even manageable in the long term?" Guest speakers will explore this question with their audience in their lectures from the perspectives of computer science, engineering, communication science, journalism, media economics and philosophy.
The lecture series on technology and environmental ethics was established in 2013 to critically reflect on technology and its consequences for people and the environment. Students from the Sustainable Engineering, Technical Journalism and Visual Technical Communication degree programs help to shape the lecture series: The prospective engineers research the opportunities and risks of the technologies and lead a debate following the lectures.

The students of the media courses Technical Journalism and Visual Technical Communication document the events in multimedia format on the website htt. In this way, the students make it possible for anyone interested to view lectures and documentation at a later date.

On April 18, Wolfgang Heiden, Professor of Hypermedia and Multimedia Systems, will open the lecture series with the lecture "One small step ..." from science fiction to reality. The lecture series will take place on the Sankt Augustin campus, lecture hall 7, from 18:15 to 19:45.

All dates

April 18

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heiden: "One small step ..." from science fiction to reality

April 25

Marcus Neckar: Augmented Creativity - Generative AI as a game changer in marketing and communication

May 2

Andrea Hansen: AI in journalistic practice

May 16

Thomas Graner: Using artificial intelligence to combat species extinction and illegal trade

May 23

Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen: Journalism made (artificially) intelligent? On the arrival of "communicative AI" in the news cycle

June 6

Prof. Dr. Janina Loh: Robots on the ethics test bench

June 13

Prof. Dr. Marcus Vetter: The role of artificial intelligence in engineering: opportunities, challenges and ethical perspectives

June 20

Prof. Dr. Teena Chakkalayil Hassan: Enabling social interaction of humans and robots

June 27

Prof. Dr. Martin Booms: Who is afraid of artificial intelligence? A digital ethical classification


Seuser-Katharina_FBEMT_2019-03_Foto-Sven-Flessing (DE)

Katharina Seuser

Journalism and Media Production


Sankt Augustin


B 205


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

6nbd3bfa.jpg (DE)

Pascal Schröder

Science, social media and web editor

Tuesday until Friday


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9969





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Von-Liebig-Str. 8

53359 Rheinbach