Language Centre

Register now: Writing Retreat - spending some time away from the campus dedicated to your writing

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Wednesday 10 April 2024

Are you already or will you soon be writing your Bachelor / Master thesis? How about spending 3 days away from the campus, dedicated to your writing and surrounded by others doing the same?

Für die Schreibzeit sind noch wenige Plätze verfügbar - jetzt noch schnell bis zum 09.06.2024 in LEA anmelden!
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The Writing Centre is offering a Writing Retreat 17 – 19 July 2024.


You will experience how motivating it can be to write in the company of others.  Apart from having plenty of opportunity to work on your text, you can also receive feedback from the trainers as well as your fellow students.


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Jill Yates

B.A., Lecturer in English, Coordinator of the English intensive courses and the Writing Centre


Sankt Augustin


A 102.2


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Tuesdays: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. by appointment (to be arranged by email or phone)


+49 2241 865 9674




1.406 (Egermannstraße 1)


von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359 Rheinbach