Department of Natural Sciences
Publication Certificate as Top Downloaded Paper of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences for Professors at H-BRS
The article with the publication award of the IJMS was jointly written and published by Prof. Dr. Edda Tobiasch (H-BRS), Prof. Dr. Margit Schulze (H-BRS), Dominik Büchner (H-BRS), Juliana Baranova (H-BRS) and Prof. Dr. Werner Götz (University of Bonn).
The title of the article is: Tooth Formation: Are the Hardest Tissues of Human Body Hard to Regenerate?
This article deals with the following topic:
With increasing life expectancy, demands for dental tissue and whole-tooth regeneration are becoming more significant. The complex structure of dental tissues introduces several challenges to the field of regenerative dentistry resulting in interdisciplinary efforts from cellular biologists, material scientists, and clinical odontologists to establish strategies and find solutions for dental tissue regeneration and/or whole-tooth regeneration.
In this interdisciplinary review, most recent advances in methods for tooth regeneration using cellular signaling guiding dental tissue genesis and various odontogenic (stem)cell sources, as well as novel biocompatible functionalized scaffolds with or without drug release systems are discussed, providing a thorough up-to-date overview on the topic.
Margit Schulze
Professor for Industrial Organic Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry
Research fields
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