International Office

„À la française“ - Photo exhibition by Erasmus+ students in the library

Nachts in Paris von Luisa Hubo

Tuesday 19 September 2023

The International Office at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) shows the exhibition „À la française“ in cooperation with the Institut Français Bonn and the University and District Library Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

The exhibition is the result of a photo competiton for students who participated in an Erasmus exchange with France. They show their French experience in only one picture. Some students chose important landmarks or landscapes, others try to convey a special atmosphere or an ephemeral moment of their everyday life.
Through the exhibition "„À la française“, we learn how German Erasmus students perceive French culture - in the broadest sense - and how they reproduce it with the help of photography.
All photos display the students' unforgettable experience!

„À la française“ will be displayed from 10 October until 7 November 2023 in the University and District Library in Sankt Augustin.

Cordial invitation to the opening reception on 10 October at 12:00

Opening reception on 10 October from 12:00 until 14:00
Library campus Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin