International Office

Career-coaching for enrolled international students starting from September

Wednesday 12 July 2023

The International Office of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) supports international students in their career start and planning in Germany as part of the iStark project by providing consulting, workshops, coaching and initiating contacts with companies.

The iStark-Project is implemented by the International Office and funded by the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge (MKW) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as one of the pillars of the NRWege programme. Although the NRWege programme is aimed at the university's refugee students, the iStark-project is open to all international students. The aim is to support and facilitate the entry into professional life and career planning in Germany for international students with and without a refugee background.

We offer international students the opportunity to participate in one to five coaching-sessions, either with German students at the university (peer coaching) or with professional trainers (depending on availability). The costs of the session(s) will be covered by the International Office as part of the NRWege programme.


Are you an international student who is interested in coaching-sessions?

Enrolled international students can apply for one or more coaching sessions. Please send us an email to: until 31.08.2023

In your email, please share the following: 

  • Your latest CV,
  • A certificate of enrollment at the University of Applied Sciences,
  • Would you prefer the coaching-session to be in German or in English?
  • When are you expecting the coaching-session? (for example, starting from Sep.) 
  • A statement of max. 500 words where you clarify your expectation from the coaching session(s). 


Are you a professional trainer who wants to take over coaching-sessions?

Trainers can take over coaching-sessions with international students at our university and be remunerated on an honorary basis. The sessions with our international students can take place in English as well as in German, in presence or online, as required. If you are interested, please send us your complete application documents to:


German students enrolled at the University of Applied Sciences can apply to be peer coaches on an honorary basis. If interested, please send us an email to:

In this regard, we in the International Office are in close contact with the coordination of the coSTARK-project and look forward to receiving applications from students of the Business Psychology study programme.