Department of Computer Science

Preserving cultural heritage digitally - the DAAD Ta'ziz projects

Kick-Off-Konferenz für die Ta'ziz-Projekte des DAAD - FH Brandenburg

Tuesday 27 June 2023

At the kick-off meeting for the DAAD Ta'ziz projects at the TH Brandenburg, the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS), University of Applied Sciences, was represented by Prof. Dr. Rainer Herpers (Department of Computer Science), Sophie Reckers and Simon Biwer, both from the Business Information Systems degree programme in the Department of Computer Science.

Kick-Off-Konferenz für die Ta'ziz-Projekte des DAAD - FH Brandenburg

For the kick-off meeting for the DAAD Ta'ziz projects, the TH Brandenburg had more than 50 guests from the Middle East, for example from Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. On the part of the German partner network, representatives from the H-BRS, the University of Darmstadt and the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena also took part in the kick-off meeting "Digitisation of Cultural Heritage" and the "Consolidating Meeting".

The "Ta'ziz" programme brings together various universities from Germany, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon to introduce students to the principles and techniques of digitisation, for example of archaeological sites, in workshops. The term "Ta'ziz", which comes from Arabic, means "strengthening/consolidation" and is intended to clearly express the programme's goal.

Collage Jordanien Petra und Lawrence's spring - Camels

This autumn, the workshop will take place in Jordan, which boasts spectacular heritage sites such as the Citadel in Amman and the ancient city of Umm Qais, as well as the rock-cut city of Petra and the Dead Sea. Each participating university receives six scholarships to send students to these workshops. 

Bachelor students in the Department of Computer Science at the H-BRS can submit applications for participation in the workshops until 30.06.2023 with a transcript of grades, curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation via the International Affairs Team at the following e-mail address:

The DAAD Ta'ziz Science Cooperation - "Innovation Hub for MENA Crisis Regions Project" involves universities from the Middle East:

  • Iraq: University of Mosul,
  • Kurdistan-Iraq: Tishk International University in Erbil,
  • Lebanon: American University of Beirut,
  • Jordan: German-Jordanian University, Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Hashemite University

together with the German partner universities:

  • Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, University of Applied Sciences,
  • Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and the
  • Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena.

The project will run until the end of 2025.



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Rainer Herpers

Scientific Director of the Graduate Institute, Professor for Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Applications , Director of the Institute for Visual Computing, Director of the Department of Informatics and Data Science at PK NRW

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