International Office
Meeting with Refugee Scholarship holders at the International Office
Supporting People and Contributing to Diversity:
The scholarship holders come from Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen and Ethiopia. In his welcoming speech, Prof. Dr. Bode spoke about democratic principles and civil society responsibility, values that require the support of all people. "There are only few places like universities, where you can meet and discuss with people from all over the world. You are not only refugees, but you are part of this diversity, and we want to thank you for that," Prof. Dr. Bode said. The head of the International Office, Dr. Wang Yi, presented the structures at the university that can be helpful for the scholarship holders. Mr. Karahmaad spoke about the importance of volunteer work in developing skills and contributing to society. The scholarship holders were supported with funds from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRWege ins Studium Programme), and the German Foreign Office through DAAD (Future Ukraine Programme).