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Business management at H-BRS well received by students

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Monday 8 May 2023

The subject of Business Administration at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) in Sankt Augustin is rated very highly by students: In the new ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), the subject received very good marks in most categories. According to the report, students particularly like the practical phase and the career orientation programmes. For the first time, evaluations were asked about digital teaching: Here, too, the degree programme scored above average.

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The business administration students at the H-BRS are very satisfied with their subject and the location. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt

The Business Administration degree programme received the best subject-related marks for the practical orientation of the teaching, the career orientation programmes and the practical phase, each with 4.4 stars (out of five). This puts the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences well above the average of all universities. The range of courses, support for stays abroad and digital teaching were also rated above average by the students. All in all, the students are well satisfied with their subject and the location: they rate the "general study situation" with 4.2 stars.

"We are very satisfied with the results," says Professor Dirk Schreiber, Dean of the Department of Economics in Sankt Augustin. "We are particularly pleased that we were rated so well by the students, especially in the categories that we have always seen as our strengths. Personally, I am very pleased that these good ratings recognise the commitment of the staff in the department to practical orientation and student proximity."


The students gave top marks to the library facilities and the rooms. These two categories were each worth 4.6 stars to them. Nearly 94 per cent of those surveyed rated the up-to-dateness of the literature stock as "very good". The students rated the availability of the literature needed for their studies and the access to electronic media as hardly less good. They particularly liked the condition of the rooms and the technical equipment.

In the CHE Ranking for Business Administration, which has just been published, each university is evaluated in 15 categories. The evaluation of the respective university is compared with the average value of all universities. The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences achieved better values than the average in ten of the 15 indicators. For the others, it is in the average range.


The CHE Ranking is published annually in May. The figures are published by the Centre for Higher Education Development on the basis of student surveys. The CHE does not publish raw data from the student survey, but does publish the questionnaires on which the surveys are based. The institution, based in Gütersloh, has existed since 1994 and is owned by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Foundation of the German Rectors' Conference. The results are also published in the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", in the special issue "Zeit Studienführer" and on the internet.


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Dirk Schreiber

Department of Management Sciences (Sankt Augustin Campus), Business Management, especially Information Management


Sankt Augustin


E 130


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 123
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Martin Schulz

Science editor


Sankt Augustin


E 240


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9560
