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Central University Bodies

Election of the student bodies in May 2023

Logo Wahl der studentischen Gremien 2023


Monday, 22 May 2023

to Tuesday, 23 May 2023


Monday, 22 May 2023: from 08:00 to 16:00 in Sankt Augustin in front of the mensa, in Rheinbach in front of the H-building, in the Steyler Mission in Sankt Augustin in room 139

Tuesday, 23 May 2022: from 08:00 to 16:00 in Sankt Augustin in front of the mensa, in Rheinbach in front of the H-building, in Hennef in front of the mensa


Sankt Augustin, Rheinbach and Hennef

Dates, time and place of the student committee elections in May 2023
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The Student Parliament in 2017

Who is elected?

The student parliament and the student councils of the respective department are elected. Students of the university can find further information in the corresponding LEA course in an explanatory document. If you have any problems or questions about the organisation or procedure of the election, you can send an email to

Note: The election of the student bodies is independent of the university elections taking place online at roughly the same time.

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The Student Council Management Sciences Rheinbach in the year 2021

Who can vote for whom?

All students of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg who are enrolled as main students at the university on Monday, 24 April 2023 and who are registered in the electoral roll are eligible to vote and to be elected.

Second and guest students are neither eligible to vote nor to be elected. Students who are enrolled in more than one department as a main student are eligible to vote in both departments, must choose one department and should check whether they are registered in the electoral roll in both departments.

A copy of the register will be publicly displayed in the libraries in Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach as well as at the reception in Hennef with immediate effect.

All eligible voters must present their student ID and a photo ID when voting.

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The Steyler Mission in Sankt Augustin. Photo: H-BRS

Where and when is the election?

Students can only vote at the campus where the student council to which they are assigned according to the electoral roll is located.

Exceptions are the student council Management Sciences (Rheinbach) and the student council Sustainable Social Policy, which can only vote at the Steyler Mission on the first election day and at Sankt Augustin Campus on the second election day. Alternatively, it is possible to send the election documents by letter. These can only be returned to the election officer by post.

Alternative: postal vote

All eligible voters may also exercise their right to vote by postal ballot. Applications for postal votes must be submitted via the web form and must be received by 16 May 2023 at 23:59 at the latest. Completed postal voting documents must be received by the Election Committee no later than 16:00 on 23 May 2023 (Addressed return envelopes will be included).

Choose who you choose

The forms issued by the election committee (in the LEA course) are to be used for nominations. Eligible voters may nominate themselves or other eligible voters for election. A candidate cannot be included in more than one nomination for election to the same body.

This year it is possible to submit a photograph (as a file) and an application text with a minimum of 100 characters and a maximum of 250 characters for the election advertisement.

Students may only be nominated as a candidate once per body. The period for submitting election proposals to the Election Committee ends on Thursday, 6 April 2023, at 23:59.

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Online election: University elections in May 2023