Communications and Marketing

Video competition of the International Office

Thursday 17 February 2022

The International Office is calling on students at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg to report on their experiences abroad in a short video clip or to tell about the impressions they have gained as international students at our university. To take part in the competition, however, you do not need to have a finished film, but simply submit a storyboard.

The storyboard must relate to one of the following two categories in terms of content:

1. My way abroad

The category is aimed at students at the university who have already completed a stay abroad and would like to enthusiastically report on their experiences.

Information for students who want to report on a stay abroad

Information for students who want to report on a stay abroad
2. The path to H-BRS

The category is aimed at students of the university who would like to tell prospective international students about their experiences at the university and those who would like to share their experiences of studying together with international students.

Info for students who want to tell about their experiences at the H-BRS

Info for students who want to tell about their experiences at the H-BRS
The task

Sketch out your ideas for a video message for one of the two categories and send us your storyboard in German or English by e-mail to A jury will select the best idea for the respective category and implement it professionally.

Deadline for storyboard submission is Monday 7 March 2022.


will go to the authors of the storyboard selected by the jury for each category:

  • Filming of the storyboard and insights into professional film production and marketing and
  • a voucher from Deutsche Bahn worth 100 euros
Who can participate?
  • All H-BRS students, either alone or in teams
What should the storyboard contain?
  • The storyboard should contain a schedule with the sequence of the planned scenes, each with a brief description of the content and a time estimate. It should also be ensured that the video to be produced does not exceed a total length of 2:30 minutes and that it is shot in the region.
