Department of Computer Science

Canadian visiting professor Ken Kent at the department

Thursday 10 February 2022

Sabbatical semester in the Department of Computer Science

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The Department of Computer Science, represented by Nadine Kutz, research assistant, and Prof. Dr. Rainer Herpers, welcomes Prof. Ken Kent to the Department of Computer Science, Sankt Augustin Campus

The partnership between the Department of Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick in Canada has existed for over 15 years. Since then, numerous students have been exchanged, invited to summer schools and a double degree programme has been developed for the Master's degree programmes. Prof. Ken Kent has been involved from the beginning and visited the department already in the winter semester 2008/2009 to conduct research and teach a course in the Master of Autonomous Systems. He has been an official honorary professor at the department since 2014. Now he has returned for a sabbatical semester.

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Kent arrived in Germany in mid-January. After completing most of the administrative formalities, he moved into the visiting scientist office C253 on 19 January. Now the preparation for teaching in the summer semester begins. His course "Operating Systems" corresponds to the German course "Betriebssysteme" (Operating Systems) from the 3rd semester and thus represents an English-language additional offer for students in the Bachelor's programmes. In the Master's programmes, Kent offers the course "Virtual Machines" as well as a Master's seminar and an R&D project in the Master of Autonomous Systems programme.

In addition to teaching, other activities are planned, such as participation in the "Design, Automation and Test in Europe" online conference from 14 - 23 March, 2022. A scientific guest lecture on "VTR8: An open-source FPGA CAD flow" and a workshop on "Research Methods" at the Graduate Institute are being planned.


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Internationales Fachbereich Informatik


Sankt Augustin


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin