Initiative Respekt! at Impact of Diversity Award

Wednesday 12 January 2022

The Impact of Diversity Award honours remarkable diversity concepts, initiatives and committed individuals in 14 categories.
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The initiative Respekt! Time for Diversity, Time for Sustainability of the H-BRS has applied for the Impact of Diversity Award in the category University Award

We shape an environment characterised by respect. Diversity is a treasure that is an asset for the professional and personal development of all university members. Our diversity work thrives on the commitment of more than 30 actors in various departments and faculties.

Vote now for the initiative Respekt! Public voting is open until 18 February.

The Impact of Diversity Award is a platform for diversity that brings together initiatives, experts, representatives from politics and science as well as decision-makers from companies. The aim is to highlight the positive impact of diversity on companies and society, to bring the topic to the attention of the general public and to initiate concrete steps for change.