New H-BRS International Chair Holders selected

Thursday 1 August 2019

H-BRS welcomes two new international scientists for the winter semester 2019/20. Starting in September 2019, the Departments of Management Sciences and Social Policy and Social Protection Studies will receive active support from Ghana and Tanzania as part of the H-BRS International Chair funding programme.

Until February 2020 Prof. Dr. Rosemond Boohene from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana teaches at the Department of Management Sciences. Her expertise lies primarily in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development. Professor Boohene has been cooperating with H-BRS since 2012 and will be involved in the DAAD-funded project “BET Ghana” in addition to teaching.

The Department of Social Policy and Social Protection Studies will be supported by Arthur Ngasani, who receives the "H-BRS International Chair Aspirant Research and Teaching Fellowship" for junior researchers for the winter semester 2019/20. Arthur Ngasani is a specialist in areas such as health financing, pension systems and social security.

The "H-BRS International Chair" funding programme makes these stays possible for international scientists. The programme strengthens the internationalisation of teaching and enables international experience on our campus by welcoming lecturers from all over the world as guest lecturers. "The H-BRS International Chair supports great ideas for more international diversity and invests primarily in the courageous and talented people behind them" said Professor Jürgen Bode. "This programme is a cornerstone of our internationalisation strategy. The appointed scientists play an important role in strengthening our international profile and make our campus an international experience for students and employees" he added.