Commission International Affairs Goes Digital

Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Commission International Affairs (PI) is currently testing the digital transmission of meetings between the two locations Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach in a pilot phase.

Präsidiumskommission Internationales Goes Digital (DE)

In the PI, various H-BRS actors in the field of international affairs from all university locations are represented. For this reason, the PI has so far met alternately at the Sankt Augustin Campus and the Rheinbach Campus. With the help of the Meeting-Owl and a video conferencing software, the meeting is now being digitized. This allows the commission members to participate in the meeting from their respective locations and eliminates commuting between the locations. After completion of the pilot phase, the digitalisation of the meetings will be evaluated. If there is a positive response from members, PI will continue to use videoconferencing between the two locations.

The Commission International Affairs advises the university management on all issues relating to the initiation and implementation of international cooperation projects and the development and implementation of interdepartmental programmes and projects with foreign partners. It is a cross-departmental forum for exchange and mutual learning about internationalisation.