Communications and Marketing

[Archiv] B-IT Welcome Party 2013

Tuesday 26 August 2014

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On a sunny Thursday, 24 October 2013, many students of the B-IT Master Programmes and their university lecturers went to the Bonn-Aachen International Graduate Center for Information Technology (B-IT) to get to know each other, exchange views, and attend the awards ceremony for the short film competition.

The event started with an informal meeting in the cafeteria, where typical German pastries and refreshments were served; Aachener Printen and Kalter Hund (chocolate biscuit cake), people chatted with each other at the numerous tables. The organiser Dr. Alexandra Reitelmann was visibly pleased with the large amount of attendants.

In the large auditorium, Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke of RWTH Aachen, one of three directors of B-IT, welcomed the audience with a speech about their departure to new shores - here in Bonn, the birthplace of Beethoven, which he himself had left to head for Vienna to further his own development.

Following Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich, Professor of Bioinformatics at B-IT, asked the groups of each Master Programme to the stage successively. Finally Sybille Hahn of the Service Office of the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bonn presented the Short Video Student Festival. Awards for the 7 second videos were granted in the following categories:

  • the cities of Bonn or Aachen or the ABC region,
  • the respective universities or the B- IT institute
  • and the related Master Programmes.
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After playing the videos, Ms Hahn interviewed the participants on stage and presented the certificates. For the MAS Programme of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University freshmen Santosh Thoduka, Chun Kwan Tan, Isnain Muneed and Shahid Siddique picked up the award for best video in the category "Master Programme". The videos of the participants can be viewed on the festival's Facebook page.
