Communications and Marketing

Asia Meets Sankt Augustin

Tuesday 26 August 2014

In early March, students from the Japanese partner university of Kagawa will be taking part in the course “German as a Foreign Language” at the Language Centre on the Sankt Augustin campus. From 7 to 11 March 2011, thirteen students from the Japanese partner university of Kagawa will be taking part in an intensive language course in German as a foreign language at our Language Centre.

This language course has a long tradition: each year since 2003, students have come to the Language Centre on the Sankt Augustin campus with their Japanese language tutor for the purpose of attending the course. However, the students from Japan will not only be staying in the Language Centre’s laboratories and seminar rooms.

They will also have the opportunity to learn more about Bonn and its vicinity by taking part in study trips. The course is aimed at arousing the students’ interest in the German language and in study periods at our University.

Maybe we will see some of them again in the future - as exchange students or during the practical semester.