Communications and Marketing

Interview with the new Sustainability Manager Stephanie Lorek


Wednesday 31 July 2024

Together with the Vice President for Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability, Prof Dr Michaela Wirtz, economics graduate Stephanie Lorek has been responsible for coordinating the implementation of the H-BRS sustainability strategy since July. The aim of the strategy, which was adopted in 2022, is to systematically promote the sustainable development of the university in the fields of research, teaching, transfer, infrastructure, governance and campus life as well as with regard to sustainable digitalisation. Stephanie Lorek has been working at the university since 2021 and was Innovation Manager Climate and Environment at the Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT) until taking on her new role. She is very familiar with the content of the sustainability strategy. As a representative of the ZWT in the Transfer working group, she was already involved in the development of the sustainability strategy.
You already know the university as an innovation manager. Is the new role a big change for you?

In addition to setting up sustainability management and coordinating the implementation of the strategy, the position of sustainability manager at the university also involves building networks with academic and non-academic partners as well as providing technical and conceptual support for sustainability measures. This follows on from the approach of my previous position as an innovation manager, where I supported institutes in their collaboration with municipal stakeholders and companies.

My new role focusses on relevant groups and divisions within the university. For example, I'm really looking forward to working with Facilities Management and with the students, with whom I had little to no contact in my previous job.

BIDA Summer School Begruessung Campusgarten StA 20230508 foto juri kuestenmacher 22.JPG
Summer School 2023: Innovations and engineering technologies for environmental protection; Photo: Juri Küstenmacher
What are the key messages of the H-BRS sustainability strategy?

The socio-ecological transformation, i.e. the transformation of society, is one of the key challenges of the coming years and decades. As a university, H-BRS sees itself as a pioneer and role model and wants to implement and exemplify sustainability in a holistic manner.

Sustainability has always been a guiding principle for H-BRS. This is now also strategically embedded - from teaching and research to cooperation, digitalisation and campus life. In terms of implementation, this includes, for example, the development towards a sustainable, liveable, climate-neutral and (climate) resilient campus, various sustainability degree programmes and research into the expansion of renewable energies. Projects such as the Summer School also promote student exchange at an international level.
Where do you see the university's particular potential in terms of sustainable development?

The university has very good regional and national networks, for example through the Sustainability Alliance of Universities of Applied Sciences in NRW (NAW.NRW), but also with local authorities, civil society institutions, civic groups and companies. These networks and co-operations are to be further expanded. Heat prevention, measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change, biodiversity protection or the need to reduce CO2 - all of this is unfolding

Vertreterinnen der H-BRS und der HNNE auf dem Waldcampus in Eberswalde
Sharing experiences with colleagues from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development; Photo: H-BRS
In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges of the task?

The starting position of the university described above and the will of the management and the university community for sustainable development form a very good basis. Of course, there are also challenges associated with such a process. These include the further institutionalisation of the topic through a balanced mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches in order to establish a culture of sustainability or to find suitable exchange spaces for different stakeholder groups. It is also important to adequately integrate the different locations.

Is sustainability also a personal issue for you?

Definitely! The topic has always played a role in my professional career to date.

I also try to implement it as best I can in my personal life by making increasingly conscious consumption decisions. But of course I don't always succeed. For example, we also own a car as a family, although I personally only cycle and use public transport.

In autumn 2022, Prof. Dr Michaela Wirtz took over as Vice President for Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability. Stephanie Lorek has been responsible for coordinating the implementation of the H-BRS sustainability strategy at the university since July 2023. The implementation of the strategy is flanked by sustainability communication, for which Angelika Fiedler has been responsible as Project Manager for Marketing/Public Relations since January 2023.

„All university members, employees and students, are invited to contribute to the implementation of the sustainability strategy. For example, we want to empower students even more to drive forward the necessary change processes.”

Stephanie Lorek

Sustainability at the H-BRS
Stephanie Lorek, Prof Dr Michaela Wirtz and Angelika Fiedler at the sustainability stand at the first semester welcome WS 23/24; Photo: H-BRS



Stephanie Lorek

Chief Sustainability Officer


Sankt Augustin


F 404


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours



+49 2241 865 9832
img_4277-50x70.jpg (DE)

Michaela Wirtz

Vice president transfer, innovation and sustainability, Professor for Chemistry, espec. Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry


Sankt Augustin


E 232


Granthamallee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin




E 110


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359 Rheinbach

Angelika Fiedler Portraet

Angelika Fiedler

Project Manager Marketing and Public Relations "Sustainability Communication", Project Manager H-BRS Sustainability


Sankt Augustin


F 411


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9821