Communications and Marketing

Future of the semester ticket: Student committees of the H-BRS organise ballot vote


Friday 27 October 2023

The General Students' Committee (AStA) and the University's Student Parliament (StuPa) are holding a ballot on the future of the semester ticket on Monday, 13 and Tuesday, 14 November. Students and PhD students at all three university locations can vote on whether they want to keep the semester ticket in its current form. A postal vote is also possible.

The introduction of the Deutschlandticket has made the semester ticket less attractive for students. Currently, they pay 204.70 euros of the total 320 euros of the semester fee for the mobility offer. A Deutschlandticket would cost them 294 euros in the same period and, moreover, can be used not only in North Rhine-Westphalia but throughout Germany: "The difference between the two offers is too small. Without the democratic vote, we as student representatives run the risk of being legally vulnerable in the event of lawsuits to repay the semester ticket fees," says Dennis Günther, deputy chair of the StuPa.

If the students reject the continuation of the offer in its current form, the currently existing contract with the transport companies would be terminated. If the students decide to continue, everything would remain the same for the time being. According to Günther, however, this is not a model with a future: "We are exchanging ideas closely with other student representatives in North Rhine-Westphalia and reiterate the demand of the NRW state general students' committee meeting for a 129-euro ticket valid nationwide."

In order to provide all students with comprehensive information before the vote, the AStA and StuPa of the H-BRS are offering information events at all three university locations:

Sankt Augustin

Thursday, 2. November 2023 at 16:30 in the Audimax

Tuesday, 7. November 2023 at 14:00 in B 118


Thursday, 2. November 2023 at 14:00 in HU 01

Tuesday, 7. November 2023 at 16:30 in G 018


Thursday, 9. November 2023 at 15:30 in 10 E 13

There is also a website with facts and background information on the subject:


Contact points

The General Students' Committee (AStA) at H-BRS


Sankt Augustin


C 001 (Sankt Augustin), G 103 (Rheinbach)