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Department of Engineering and Communication

Nalan Sipar: How do you set up a media start-up for migrant communities?

Nalan Sipar_Ringvorlesung MedienmacherInnen WS 24_25


Wednesday, 15 January 2025


16:30 - 18:00



The professional world in the media sector is changing rapidly due to the digital transformation. Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has invited media professionals to a public lecture series to present their respective fields of work, but also to describe the challenges and changes that digitisation is bringing to their professional field. The event will be held in German.
Nalan Sipar_Ringvorlesung MedienmacherInnen WS 24_25
Picture: Manuel Krug

Nalan Sipar is a freelance journalist, founder and CEO of the media start-up MedyaN, which produces non-profit journalism on German-Turkish topics. Sipar, who was honoured by the German journalists' association DJV 2022 for the "Best Start-Up Idea", came to Germany from Turkey at the age of 15.

In her presentation "How do you build a media start-up for migrant communities?", she also talks about her vision of revolutionising the German media landscape.

Contact us

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Tanja Köhler

Professor, Digital journalism and audiovisual media, Vice dean of the department


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