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Department of Engineering and Communication

Hatice Kahraman: Journalism for young people who don't want to be journalists

Hatice Kahraman_Ringvorlesung MedienmacherInnen WS 24_25


Wednesday, 13 November 2024


16:30 - 18:00



The professional world in the media sector is changing rapidly due to the digital transformation. Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has invited media professionals to a public lecture series to present their respective fields of work, but also to describe the challenges and changes that digitisation is bringing to their professional field. The event will be held in German.
Hatice Kahraman_Ringvorlesung MedienmacherInnen WS 24_25
Picture: Ivo Mayr

Hatice Kahraman is head of the Salon5 youth editorial team at CORRECTIV and works closely with Generation Z on a daily basis. She works with young people aged between 13 and 18, shows them the craft of journalism and reports from the world of young people.
Kahraman studied journalism and political science, worked for WDR, Spiegel Online and dpa. She then completed a traineeship at CORRECTIV and learnt investigative research. Since then, she has combined research with journalism for young people.


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Tanja Köhler

Professor, Digital journalism and audiovisual media, Vice dean of the department


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