Institute for IT-Service (ITS)
Overview of university systems (staff)

Remote work

Please refer to the instructions for setting up the VPN connection (Open VPN) if you work remotely from your home office (intranet).

Outlook Web App (OWA) is a web-based e-mail client provided by Microsoft Exchange Server. Staff and students at the university can use OWA in their current browser to access their e-mails, contacts and calendar. You can also use it to edit notifications of absence or change your password.

DIAS (Data, Information and Archiving System) is a system developed in-house by Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences for managing data transport and processing/storing data.
You can use DIAS for tasks such as ordering office materials, accessing grades lists, sending HelpDesk requests and submitting requests for leave of absence.
Intranet and web pages

You can log on to the website as an employee of the university and access internal files. With editing rights, you can edit web pages of your structural unit. The system is maintained by the Office of Communication and Marketing.
Ticket system:
LEA - The Learning Platform of the H-BRS

LEA (Learning and Working Online) is the central teaching and learning platform of H-BRS. LEA is based on the open source software ILIAS, a learning management system that is used at many higher education institutions in Germany as well as abroad and is jointly further developed by them.

The occupational health and safety and environmental protection management system represents a systematic recording and documentation of structures, processes, procedures and behaviours in order to integrate occupational health and safety and environmental protection into operational processes.
Travel costs with Wintrip

WinTrip offers you convenient solutions for your:
- Business trips
- further education and training trips
- Permanent business trips
For further information, please contact the H-BRS travel cost centre.

With Colourbox's educational licence, students and staff receive 30 free downloads per month for academic papers, projects and presentations. In addition, 50 downloads are available to the educational institution each month, which can be used for marketing and promotional activities.

MACH-Web is the software for financial and personnel management; budget statuses and documents from cost centres and cost units can be accessed via MACH-Web.

The applicant management system "BITE" is our web-based, fully customisable and barrier-free software solution to find the optimal candidates for a vacant position with a fast recruitment process.
Sam software

The sam software provides managers with a tool that can be used to provide regular and comprehensive instruction in occupational, environmental and health protection, including full documentation.
Any questions?
ServicePoint (ITS)
Sankt Augustin
E 245